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🔮💍🧠 The ring was the creation of ancient beings who sought to harness the power of the mind.

These beings, with their cephalopod-like appendages and probing eyes, were masters of mental manipulation. They thrived in the obscurities of existence, where thoughts could be plucked like fruit and memories could be rewritten. The Aelder Ring was their crowning achievement, a conduit to not just sense thoughts but to breach and break them.

The ring found its way to our plane through rifts in existence, ones that the ancient beings themselves might have torn open. Travelers who have gazed too deeply into the rifts or ventured too close have often vanished, only to return with the Aelder Ring on their finger, their minds forever altered.

Those who possess one often find themselves stalked by the twisted beings from beyond the rifts, eager to reclaim their creation or, perhaps, the mind of the ring's bearer. 🔮💍🧠


Aelder Ring

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This intricate ring is crafted in the form of a pulsating brain ensnared by tentacles, and its eyes seem to constantly scan the surroundings. An arcane energy emanates from it, resonating with the mind of its wearer.

The ring has 3 charges. As an action, the wearer can expend a charge to cast the detect thoughts spell (spell DC 15) without using any spell slots or material components. If the wearer chooses to probe deeper into a target's mind using detect thoughts from the ring and succeeds, the target takes 2d10 psychic damage from the intense invasion of their thoughts. Additionally, their Intelligence score is reduced by 1d4 for the duration of the spell. The ring regains all expended charges at dawn.



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