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👑📜👘 The Sacred Emperor's Drapes trace their origins to a long-standing tradition among various imperial courts. Tailored for high-ranking officials and advisors, these robes became a standard in ceremonies and gatherings. While they were symbols of authority, they were also believed to be blessings for clear decision-making and articulating commands. The interwoven gold patterns aren't just for show—they are a nod to ancient rites and symbols that have been carried through the ages. Craftsmen skilled in both tailoring and enchantment made these drapes available for multiple courts, leading to their widespread use. While they might seem grandiose to outsiders, within the political circles of the time, they were essential attire for those serving directly under the emperor. 👑📜👘


Sacred Emperor's Drape

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This robe is intricately embroidered with golden designs and religious motifs, reminiscent of garments once worn in imperial courts. Its weave captures a hint of divine energy, allowing its wearer to influence others with greater authority.

When you speak a command or decree aloud while wearing this robe, you can use an bonus action to channel its imperial energy. The next time within 1 minute you cast an enchantment spell that influences others, you can do so without using verbal or somatic components, and the spell save DC increases by 3. Once you have used this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.



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