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🔧📦🌀 In the bustling workshops and intricate labs of the gnomish cities, innovation and invention are not just activities but ways of life. The gnomes have always had a knack for tinkering, engineering, and creating wondrous devices that often perplex even the most seasoned artificers of other races. One such invention, both marvelous and maddening, is the Toolbox of Many Things.

The idea for these toolboxes originated in the city of Tinkertop, a major gnomish metropolis nestled within the rolling hills of Grindlewood. A renowned gnomish engineer named Lidda Gearspark had a vision of creating a toolbox that could hold multiple sets of artisan tools without increasing its weight or size. Her idea was to make the life of a traveling craftsman easier, allowing them to carry fewer burdens and have a multitude of tools at their disposal.

Lidda, with the help of fellow engineers and arcane tinkerers, developed a method to embed a hint of chaos magic into each toolbox. This magic allows each toolbox to contain several sets of artisan tools while maintaining its compact size. The catch? The chaotic nature of the magic makes it a playful challenge to retrieve the desired tool, leading to many a craftsman muttering to themselves in mild exasperation.

The Toolbox of Many Things quickly became a popular item among gnomish craftsmen, and soon, their fame spread beyond the borders of Tinkertop. Many tried to replicate Lidda's invention, leading to the existence of numerous such toolboxes, each with its own unique quirks.

However, the original and the subsequent reproductions all bear the unmistakable touch of gnomish engineering: brilliant, efficient, and just a tad mischievous. Today, these toolboxes are sought after by craftsmen and adventurers alike, who value their utility and, perhaps, enjoy the occasional challenge they present. After all, who doesn't appreciate a toolbox with a sense of humor?  🔧📦🌀


Toolbox of Many Things

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This unassuming toolbox seems ordinary at first glance, but upon opening, one finds a chaotic mess of tools from various professions intermixed with arcane implements. With patience and some time, almost any tool needed can be found within.

While attuned to the Toolbox of Many Things, you gain proficiency in four artisan tools of the GM's choice (e.g., carpenter's tools, tinker's tools, smith's tools, jeweler's tools). Each Toolbox of Many Things is unique, with its own predetermined set of tools.

Crafty Toolbox of Chaos. As an action, the wielder can attempt to retrieve one of the four artisan tools contained within. Yet, the toolbox's chaotic magic doesn't make this task easy. The wielder must spend 1d4 rounds rummaging through the toolbox, often accompanied by frustrated mutterings such as, "Where did I put that...?" or "It was just here a moment ago!" before successfully locating their desired tool.



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