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🔨🌀🌑 In a space untouched by light or sanity, Mhuugu thrived. A vast, sprawling entity, it bore little resemblance to the creatures and beings of known existence. Its tendrils, ever-reaching and pulsating, meandered through the void, absorbing any fragment of magic it encountered.

Ancient tales spoke of sailors who, venturing too close to forbidden waters, would hear Mhuugu's song—a luring, haunting melody promising power but delivering madness. Many a ship vanished, lost to the world, its crew's souls added to Mhuugu's vast collection.

Magic was Mhuugu's sustenance and desire. Every spell, every incantation that traveled the winds or waters found its end in the gaping maw of this entity. It was said that the most potent of magics could awaken Mhuugu's interest, drawing it nearer to our reality, its hunger never satiated.

But Mhuugu was more than just a predator. It was a force of nature, a testament to the chaos and unpredictability that lay beyond the boundaries of our comprehension. Scholars and mages who dared to study this creature invariably went mad, their minds broken by the sheer impossibility of Mhuugu's existence.

Amidst the vast void, Mhuugu continued its endless dance, forever hungry, forever seeking. For in that place, there was no time, no beginning or end—only Mhuugu and its insatiable thirst for magic. 🔨🌀🌑


Hammer of Mhuugu

Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunement)

This hefty warhammer is covered in a thick fur, accented with bizarre-looking symbols and ornaments. Its head is a living, ravenous maw with sharp teeth and an elongated tongue, constantly seeking out sources of magic to devour.

When you hit a creature that has spell slots with this weapon, it loses access to one spell slot of its highest available spell level. With each subsequent hit, the creature loses another spell slot, moving to the next lower level. For creatures with innate spellcasting or innate psionics, the effect targets the least frequently used spell first (such as 1/day before 3/day), with at-will spells affected last.

For each spell slot or innate spell or psionic consumed by the Hammer of Mhuugu, the weapon gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls until the end of your next turn. This bonus can stack up to a maximum of +5.

If the Hammer of Mhuugu doesn't consume any magic within 24 hours, it starts to feed on its wielder's magic. If the wielder is a spellcaster, they lose one spell slot, starting from their highest available level, every hour until they feed the hammer by striking a magic-wielding creature. If the wielder is not a spellcaster, they take 1d6 psychic damage every hour until the hammer consumes magic.

A creature affected by the hammer's magic-eating property can regain its lost spell slots after finishing a long rest.

Doom of Mhuugu. Upon scoring a critical hit with the Hammer of Mhuugu, the wielder can choose to release the pent-up energies from the absorbed magic. For each accumulated bonus the hammer holds, it deals an extra 1d10 force damage to the target. If the hammer is in its maul form during this release, the force of the impact intensifies, dealing 2d10 force damage for each bonus released. After this outpouring of energy, all bonuses the hammer held are reset to zero.

Maul of Mhuugu. Once the Hammer of Mhuugu has gained a bonus of at least +1 from its magic absorption, the wielder can use a bonus action to channel the stored magic, transforming the hammer into a formidable maul. Upon transformation, the wielder is immediately proficient with the maul and inflicts an additional 2d6 necrotic damage on successful hits. If the maul doesn't absorb any magic for 1 minute, it reverts to its original hammer form and loses all accumulated bonuses.

Spelleater. If a spell is cast within 5 feet of the wielder, they can use their reaction to attempt to consume the spell with the Hammer of Mhuugu. The wielder makes an attack roll with the hammer against a DC of 10 + the spell's level. On a success,

the hammer consumes the spell, preventing its effects, and the wielder gains a bonus to the hammer's damage rolls equal to the spell's level for the next attack. On a failure, the spell is cast as normal. If the hammer is in its maul form, the wielder gains advantage on this attack roll.



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