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🛡️🔨🦅 A beautiful creation, isn't it? Let me tell you a tale.

In the soaring mountains of Aeloria, where griffons roost high above the clouds, the paladins of the Silver Wing Order dedicated their lives to forging unity between creatures of the land and sky. It was said that their leader, Sir Eldric, was born in the nest of a griffon, and he shared a bond with these magnificent creatures like no other.

Years passed, and as the challenges faced by the Order grew, they sought to create a weapon that embodied the essence of their bond with the griffons. Master smiths and holy clerics collaborated, melting celestial silver with shards of griffon talons under a lunar eclipse. Their labor bore fruit in the creation of the first Skyking Smite.

The maul was not just a weapon; it was a symbol. The intertwined griffons represented unity and strength, and every paladin of the Order aspired to earn the honor of wielding one. It wasn't long before more of these mauls were forged, passed down to the worthy, creating a lineage of knights known for their mounted prowess.

But a Skyking Smite wasn't just handed out; it was earned. Paladins had to undergo the "Trial of the Griffon," a rite of passage that entailed forming a bond with a griffon chick and raising it. Only when the griffon chose its rider could a paladin claim a Skyking Smite of their own.

Today, several of these mauls exist, each a testament to the bond between rider and mount, and each carries the blessings and power of the griffons they honor. A wielder of a Skyking Smite isn't just a paladin; they're a beacon of hope, unity, and divine justice in a world that so desperately needs it. 🛡️🔨🦅


Skyking Smite

Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement by a paladin)

This radiant maul, sculpted with two intertwined griffons at its mallet end, emanates a holy aura. The griffons' wings and beaks meet, encapsulating the weapon's purpose: to deliver divine justice from the heavens.

Once per turn, when wielding Skyking Smite while mounted, the weapon taps into the bond between rider and mount, dealing an extra 1d8 damage on successful hits.

Heavenly Strike. When you use a divine smite against a fiend or undead with this weapon, it deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage.

Griffon's Blessing. When you land a hit with this weapon, you can invoke the essence of Skyking Smite, allowing you to release a divine smite without using a spell slot. The channeled divine smite inflicts its standard radiant damage, augmented by an extra 1d8. You regain the ability to activate this property at dawn.



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