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🛡📜⚔️ In the smaller, lesser-known towns of the realm, the guild of Librarian Knights thrived. These paladins, while not as famous as the ones in epic tales, played a critical role in their communities. Their purpose was twofold: to serve as protectors of their towns and to maintain a growing collection of instructional and moral texts.

It was customary for these knights to carry significant texts on their journeys, both for reference and for sharing knowledge with those they met. As the tradition evolved, these knights began incorporating their favorite tomes into their armor as a sign of respect for the knowledge they contained.

When a Librarian Knight had served for a decade and demonstrated exceptional valor and wisdom, they were granted the Righteous Tomeplate, an armor incorporating some of the region's cherished tomes. These tomes varied from armor to armor but commonly included:

  1. The Book of Common Virtues: A practical guide on moral conduct and character.
  2. Histories of the Local Realm: A chronicle of significant events and figures of their community.
  3. Hymns of the Hearth: A collection of songs and prayers that bolster the spirit and unite communities.

Each Tomeplate became unique to its wearer, representing not just their role as a protector but also as a keeper of knowledge and wisdom. The belts, emblazoned with a golden emblem, symbolized the unity of martial strength and scholarly pursuit. 🛡📜⚔️


Righteous Tomeplate

Armor (any heavy), rare (requires attunement by a paladin)

This armor, adorned with golden tomes and intricate manuscripts, whispers of ancient oaths and paladin lore. Bound to the shoulder pads are sacred tomes from which pages flow down to the torso. Underneath the golden scripture, a muted grey fabric can be seen, while a hefty brown belt with a large golden emblem confirms its divine origin.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

The Righteous Tomeplate holds 3 charges. It regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

When you cast a paladin spell using a paladin spell slot, you can expend 1 charge from this armor to immediately replenish the expended spell slot. The level of the spell slot replenished cannot exceed 4th level.



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