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🔮🪞🖤 In an age long past, before the rise of kings and the fall of tyrants, there was a realm where shadows held sway and the dark was king. Here, Maelsefar was born, a being not crafted by divine hands but forged from the very void itself.

Throughout the realms, tales of Maelsefar's deeds were told: deals made in quiet corners and alliances built in hidden places. Both demons and devils vied for his favor, for his knowledge was vast, and his reach was far and wide. But what set Maelsefar apart was not his power, but his keen insight into the heart of any being, understanding its core desires, and turning them to suit his own purposes.

However, every tale of ascendancy is paired with one of downfall. A group of powerful beings, wary of Maelsefar's expansive control, plotted against him. Using cunning and strategy, they trapped him in a mirror they crafted, a prison meant to keep his immense energy confined. This mirror, while a jail, also became a channel for his abilities, letting the ensnared demon bestow blessings or impose misfortunes upon those brave or foolish enough to interact with him.

Across the ages, the mirror changed many hands, crossing lands and seas, at times revered, often dreaded, but always commanding respect. And thus, our story unfolds: with a mirror, a confined demon, and the relentless drive of humans, ever tempted by the promise of might, regardless of its peril. 🔮🪞🖤


Maelsefar's Mirror

Wondrous item, artifact

This massive, ornate mirror, weighing over 500 pounds, is bordered with intricate designs depicting tortured souls, chained beings, and dark symbols. At first glance, the mirror reflects its surroundings like any other, but a closer, more intentional look reveals something sinister: a demon trapped within it. The demon appears chained, suspended from a ghostly ceiling in the reflection, its eyes covered by a blindfold, seemingly imprisoned in a realm within the mirror. The craftsmanship of the mirror is exquisite.

The weight of the mirror means moving it requires significant strength. A creature attempting to move it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check or be unable to budge the mirror.

Twofold Testament of Maelsefar. A creature standing before the mirror can attempt to persuade or intimidate the trapped demon to grant them a favor. The creature chooses either Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) and the GM rolls the check secretly, with a DC of 20. 

  • Success - Until the next dawn, whenever the creature hits with a weapon attack, it deals an additional 5 necrotic damage. The GM does not inform the player of their success.
  • Failure - If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points before the next dawn, it dies instantly with no saving throws. The GM does not inform the player of their failure.

Secret of Maelsefar's Immortality. An individual seeking the secrets of immortality can delve deeper into the mysteries of the mirror. By focusing intently and reaching out to the demon within, the creature can attempt to learn the secret recipe for Maelsefar's Elixir of Immortality. The GM rolls a secret Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) check with an nearly impossible DC 30.

  • Success - The creature, upon waking at the next dawn, finds the formula for the Elixir of Immortality mysteriously imprinted in their mind. Consuming this elixir renders the drinker ageless, preventing any death from natural aging. Additionally, if the drinker's hit points fall to 0, they automatically stabilize. Crafting this elixir requires ingredients worth at least 10,000 gold pieces and one month of dedicated preparation.
  • Failure - At the next dawn after the creature fails to secure Maelsefar's favor, a profound misfortune falls upon them, though they may not notice it immediately. All forms of wealth and tangible assets they own, excluding magical items, mysteriously vanish or are rendered worthless. Coinage turns to dust, non-magical possessions are nowhere to be found, deeds and titles to any properties or businesses are either lost or invalidated without explanation, and any form of documentation that could prove ownership or wealth simply disintegrates or disappears. The reality adjusts itself minimally to accommodate these losses, causing the least amount of disruption. This curse extends to any form of wealth obtained by the creature until the next dawn. The GM holds this information secret, revealing the consequences gradually as the player discovers them.

Sentience. Maelsefar is a sentient demon with an Intelligence of 21, a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 23. He has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Due to the enchantments placed on the mirror, his memories are wiped clean each dawn,

so he begins each day without recollection of past interactions.

Personality. Maelsefar communicates telepathically with any creature that makes contact with the mirror, and he understands and speaks Abyssal, Common, and Infernal. Before his imprisonment, he was renowned in the infernal planes for his diplomatic skills and amiable nature. In conversation, his demeanor is typically warm and inviting, displaying genuine curiosity about the mortal realm. However, if one acts disrespectfully towards him, his tone and attitude shift dramatically, becoming cold and disdainful, revealing the darker nature that lies beneath his congenial exterior.

Maelsefar's primary objective each day is to understand his current situation and engage in

conversations that might hint at a possibility of freedom, though he is unaware of this goal until it is brought up. His ever-resetting memory makes him an unpredictable entity, as he lacks the context of past engagements.



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