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🗡️👄🎭n the bustling town of Lighthaven, the marketplace is alive with stories, but none quite as intriguing as that of the Mimic Dirk.

Local lore attributes the dagger's creation to a gnome tinkerer named Brelle. Always one for mischief, Brelle sought to craft a blade that imitated the cheeky nature of Mimics. Fusing her own enchantments with the essence she managed to extract from a young Mimic, the dagger came to life in her hands.

The result was a playful, if not slightly temperamental, blade that, while not holding the might of true Mimics, had a trick up its sleeve or, more precisely, in its hilt.

Brelle's creation spread in popularity among Lighthaven's adventurers. Many saw it as a quirky challenge, a blade that demanded as much respect as it did caution.

To this day, in Lighthaven's taverns, it's often quipped: "Got a new blade? Hope it's not as cheeky as Brelle's!" 🗡️👄🎭


Mimic Dirk

Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)

At first glance, this dagger gleams as any elegant blade might. Yet, hidden within its shimmer lies a secret: it is a fledgling Mimic, masquerading as a weapon rather than the usual chest or vessel. Countless souls have been deceived by its cunning facade.

Once per turn, the Mimic Dirk deals an extra 1d4 piercing damage on a successful hit.

Mimic's Treacherous Bite. On a critical hit, the Mimic Dirk grapples its target. To escape its grip, the target must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (DC 12). As long as the target is ensnared by the dagger, it takes 1d4 piercing damage at the start of its turns, and the wielder is prevented from using the dagger against other targets.

Hungering Blade. This weapon possesses an insatiable hunger for organic matter and demands to be fed weekly. If not satisfied, the next time the wielder attempts to make an attack with the dagger, they must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 15) or find the weapon turning on them instead. Feeding the dagger with organic material resets its hunger for another week.

False Appearance. While the Mimic Dirk remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary dagger.

Attunement Challenge. Requires the wielder to defeat the Mimic Dirk in combat before forming a bond with it. Once subdued, the dagger will accept its wielder and permit attunement.



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