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🤖🏹🎩 In the cozy city of Gearford, hidden beneath the surface, a group of smart and crafty gnomes found a way to mix their love for tinkering with the skill of archery, becoming the Mechabow Marksmen. With tools, gears, and a knack for invention, they made something quite special - a set of gear known throughout the land as the Mechabow Marksman set, containing two very special items: the Mechabow and the Astralmech Hat.

The Mechabow is no ordinary bow. Through gnome genius and a bit of night-sky glow, arrows fired from this weapon light up the dark, showing safe paths and revealing hidden dangers in the quiet underground tunnels. The gentle light wasn’t magic but energy, making every shot a beacon in the dark.

Then, there's the Astralmech Hat, a vibrant red wizard hat known not just for its charming look but also its practical use. When a gnome wears it, their skill with crafting special arrows that fly truer and brighter gets even better, especially if they spend some time working on them with their tinkering tools.

The Mechabow Marksmen are not just guardians but inventors, always finding new ways to keep their city safe and bright, using their special bow and hat to guide the way. They roam when the sun sets, their arrows a soft light in the night, ensuring that all the folks in Gearford can sleep a little sounder, knowing the marksmen are watching over them with gears turning and light gleaming in the dark. 🤖🏹🎩



Weapon (any bow), uncommon (requires attunement)

This bow has tiny star motifs subtly embedded along its limbs and string. The engravings emit a soft, astral glow when an arrow is nocked.

The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this magic weapon. If the wielder is proficient with tinker’s tools and spends at least 1 hour during a long rest maintaining and adjusting the bow’s mechanisms, the bonus increases to +2 until the next dawn.

Mechanical Moonbeam. As an action, the wielder can enchant the nocked arrow with astral energy, causing it to gleam with a gentle, moon-like light. Upon hitting a target, the arrow deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage and illuminates a 5-foot square where it lands, causing it to shed dim light for up to 1 minute. This property can be used once and recharges at dawn.

Astralmech Hat

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a creature with proficiency in tinker’s tools)

A red wizard's hat adorned with barely perceptible mechanical and lunar patterns woven into the fabric, shimmering faintly when reflecting light.

Once per long rest, while wearing this hat, you can spend at least 1 hour during a long rest maintaining and adjusting the arrow’s form using tinker tools, to imbue up to 1d4 non-magical arrows with a precise mechanism. Until the next dawn, these arrows gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls. Once the effect ends, the magical mechanism fades away, and the arrows become non-magical again.

2 Set Bonus

You can fire an additional arrow enchanted by the Astralmech Hat as a bonus action on your turn.



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