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💀🐍⚔️ In the withering deserts of Zar'akhal, where the bones of countless fallen beings bleach beneath the scorching sun, an ancient legend whispers through the shifting sands. The Skeleton Scourge, a war pick of chilling, macabre origin, veils its wielder in a shroud of dread and dark admiration, for it is both a weapon and a spectral enigma.

Centuries ago, an enigmatic necromancer named Valen Thrasik traipsed across these barren lands, wielding not spells of summoning, but an art lost to the eons, which allowed him to bind the restless souls of the departed to their mortal remains. Thrasik sought to forge a weapon that would embody the unbridled wrath and pain of the countless souls left to rot beneath the Zar'akhal sun.

The Skeleton Scourge is said to be forged from the spine of a great Serpent King, a mythical creature who once ruled the underground labyrinths of the desert. Thrasik, after an epic battle that lasted seven days and nights, defeated the creature. However, he bound its indomitable spirit and eternal venom to its remains, primarily the flexible and resilient spine. 💀🐍⚔️


Skeleton Scourge

Weapon (war pick), very rare (requires attunement)

The war pick is crafted from an amalgamation of skeletal remnants, with the pick itself meticulously forged from a flexible, animated spine. This mobility allows the pick to move with a serpentine fluidity, rendering it not only a fearsome tool of battle but also a macabre spectacle of death's potential agility and unexpectedness in combat.

After landing a hit with the Skeleton Scourge, you can use a bonus action to speak the weapon's command word, causing the bones entwined within to animate and attack your target. The bones make 2d4 additional melee attack rolls against the enemy, using your proficiency bonus and Strength modifier for each attack roll. On a hit, each attack deals 1 piercing damage plus your Strength modifier. The remains then retract back into the weapon, silent and still, until called upon again.



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