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🏺🦂🔱 The tale of Anu'kara spreads like a vibrant tapestry across the time-worn sands of history, painting the canvas of a civilization that once danced with life amidst the deadly embrace of the sun-scorched desert. Under the weight of the relentless sun, the Anu’kara civilization rose, not merely to survive but to brilliantly thrive amidst the hostile dunes that ever sought to reclaim the spaces carved out by mortal hands.

In the heart of this juxtaposition of desolation and splendor, Pharaoh Anu’kara, the luminous soul for whom the civilization took its name, not only ruled but transcended mere leadership, becoming an entity inseparably entwined with the life-thread of his people and land. His eyes, wise and kindling with an ageless understanding, peered into the veiled mysteries of existence, exploring the echoing abyss that lingered between life and death. He, considered a demiurge by his people, not only wielded political power but navigated the ethereal rivers of the celestial, striding upon the shores of both the temporal and spiritual realms.

His love for his people was as boundless as the endless sands that stretched beyond the horizon. It drove him to sculpt the Scarab of the Sunken Sands, an artifact that harbored not only his unparalleled arcane prowess but also an essence of his very being. It was more than an artifact; it was a metaphysical conduit, a bridge between realms that enabled Anu’kara to walk within the shadows of the past and converse with spirits long departed from the mortal coil.

Anu’kara’s consultations with these ancient entities were not mere dialogues with the departed, but symbiotic communions where wisdoms of different epochs intertwined, creating a stream where the wisdom of the ancients flowed into the present, nurturing his civilization with the nutrients of bygone epochs.

However, like all that bristles with life, Anu’kara too was not eternal. When his physical form was finally reclaimed by the desert, the legendary scarab, potent and pulsating with the lost Pharaoh's ethos, vanished into the bowels of history. Its location has confounded the minds of scholars and adventurers alike. Some whisper that it rests alongside Anu'kara in a concealed tomb, safeguarded by intricate traps and riddles woven with ancient magic. 🏺🦂🔱


Mirage of Anu'kara

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

It is an exquisitely crafted helmet, emblematic of the revered Pharaoh Anu'kara's likeness. Composed of a rare darkened metal alloy, its form is adorned with meticulously placed gems that seem to harbor an ancient secret.

While wearing the helmet and while attuned to it, you can use an action to utter a command in the ancient language of the Anu'kara dynasty. Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 19) or be subjected to the effects of the dominate person spell until the end of your next turn. Once you use this property, you can’t use it again until the next dawn.

Anu’kara’s Immortality. If you die while wearing the helmet, your body is instantaneously mummified and your soul securely harbored within the helm. Inscribed on the interior of the Mirage of Anu'kara in the long-lost script of the ancient dynasty, lies the sacred resurrection rite of Anu'kara. A creature proficient in Intelligence (History) or (Religion), upon a successful DC 18 check, may decipher the text. A creature that knows these rites, whether through deciphering the text or other means, can speak them as an action while holding the helmet, resurrecting you as per the resurrection spell, without requiring material components. Once utilized, the helmet loses this property permanently.



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