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🐠🌟🛡️ This ain't just your typical shell show, friends. Imagine a piece of armor, but it’s like, the whole vibrant ocean decided to hug it tight and call it home! The armor itself is this lush turquoise color, a shade that simply whispers of the deep, mystic sea. But wait till the moon and stars lend their light, ‘cause that’s when the true magic begins to shimmer and shine!

You’ve got the cutest little fishies darting about, starfish gently waving their arms, and coral that seems to breathe with life - all of them living right there on the armor, yet also kinda part of it? It's like they’re not just stuck on there, they’re living, swimming, and just being their adorable selves, all while providing protection from the perils you might face. 

Now, these ain’t your ordinary sea critters. The coral softly glows, giving off a gentle, comforting light, the fish seem to twirl and dance with an ethereal energy, and the starfish - ah, their gentle arms seem to draw in the very light of the moon and stars, sharing it with you in your watery wanderings!

And when the going gets tough, this oceanic gang's got your back. Picture this: a sudden strike, a hostile spell, a moment of peril – and WHOOSH, a swirling, sparkling shield bursts forth, an astral barrier that just drinks in that damage, keeping you safe in its starry embrace for a heartbeat of crucial respite. 🐠🌟🛡️


Starlight Oceanplate

Armor (any medium), rare (requires attunement)

In the elegance of this turquoise armor, animated corals, graceful fishes, and tranquil starfish coalesce with intricate bronze details, shimmering with an astral light under moonlit nights, subtly connecting the earthly and celestial aquatic realms.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Upon taking damage, you can use your reaction to invoke a Swirling Astral Shield, which absorbs up to 25 points of damage from any type and lasts until the start of your next turn. Once this shield is used, it cannot be activated again until you complete a long rest beneath the open night sky, permitting the armor to bask and recharge in the celestial glow.

When submerged in seawater for at least 1 hour, the armor grants you the ability to understand and speak Aquan until your next long rest. Additionally, the aquatic life embossed on the armor animates while submerged, offering you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, as they nimbly navigate you through aquatic environments.



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