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🌨️❄️📘 Greetings, arcanists and scholars of the realm!

In the secluded vaults of the Ice Spire Archives, amidst ancient scrolls and long-forgotten chronicles, a discovery has been made - the illustrious Frostweaver’s Codex. It is said that in the early epochs of our world, when the first mages danced with the winds of the northern lights, these tomes were meticulously crafted by a conclave of frostbound sorcerers. Their goal? To intertwine the ethereal beauty of winter's chill with the depth of arcane knowledge.

Steeped in history and echoing with the whispers of its creators, each Codex holds within its icy pages secrets that have shaped the tapestry of magical traditions across the centuries. Scholars have often debated the true origins of these codices. Some posit they were a gift from the Winter Court of the Feywild, while others believe they are the result of a rare celestial event that showered our world with fragments of frozen stars. 🌨️❄️📘


Frostweaver's Codex

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a wizard)

Crafted from enchanted ice and adorned with an magical snowflake encapsulated in its cover. It is no mere spellbook but a spectacular work of mystical artistry, It is bound in silver and rare, flexible, yet sturdy bark.

While it holds the ability to contain numerous spells, the text inscribed within reveals itself only to those who have attuned to it, rendering the inscriptions invisible to unattuned eyes. Non-attuned creatures who dare to handle the codex take 1d6 cold damage for every minute of contact. Attuned wizards experience an affinity with their cold-related spells, receiving a +1 bonus to spell attack and damage rolls and an increase of 1 to the spell save DC for spells dealing cold damage.

When attempting to inscribe a new spell of the cold descriptor (GM’s discretion) from a scroll or similar means, the wizard need only place the spell source onto the pages of the Codex. With a shiver of arcane frost, the Codex assimilates the scroll, the script seamlessly weaving itself into the book’s icy pages.



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