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🌈🦄🗡️The Rainbow Sword, a name whispered through centuries, revered in tales sung by bards of yore, bathes its surroundings in a gentle, chromatic light, extending a hopeful 15 feet into the darkness. But whence comes this light, and what secret does it hold?

It is said, in voices soft and full of awe, that this marvelous blade was birthed from an act of profound sacrifice and unbound love. A guild of unicorns, beings of pure spirit and radiant magic from various mystical realms, willingly offered their magnificent horns to a singular kind-hearted blacksmith. 

This blacksmith, whose name has been lost to time, forged these radiant horns, filled with the raw essence of spectral vistas and benevolent power, into what we now know as the Rainbow Sword. It is not merely a weapon but a symbol, a beacon of vibrant hope and unity that permeates the darkness, forging a path of color and light amidst shadows and despair. 

Ah, but let’s tread gently upon the path of mystery for within the sword’s chromatic glow, an even deeper enigma silently slumbers: The elusive Glittervault. Scarcely more than whispers of this secretive realm reach our ears, caressing our curiosity with tales of endless rainbows beneath which playful unicorns prance and unimaginable treasures lay concealed. 

But let us not stray too far into these colorful mists, for the path to Glittervault is yet shrouded in mystery, an enchanting puzzle yet unsolved, despite the tireless search by many an adventurer. 🌈🦄🗡️


Rainbow Sword

Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement)

Shared tales among the wise tell of a guild of unicorns from varied mystical realms who willingly sacrificed their horns to a kind-hearted blacksmith. Bathing its surroundings in a gentle, chromatic light that extends for 15 feet, the sword becomes a beacon of vibrant hope and unity in dark times.

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic sword, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage to the target. Additionally, choose one color of the rainbow; the target is engulfed in a luminous aura of that color until the end of your next turn, suffering a condition based on the color chosen: Red (burned, 1d6 fire damage per turn), Orange (slowed - its speed is halved, and it cannot use reactions), Yellow (blinded), Green (poisoned), Blue (paralyzed), Indigo (frightened), or Violet (stunned). A successful Constitution saving throw (DC 17) negates the condition but not the extra radiant damage. A creature cannot be affected by the same color's condition again for 1 minute after being affected by it.

Chromatic Manipulation. The Rainbow Sword is imbued with a playful and versatile magic that can perform small, chromatic wonders. When holding the sword, you can perform any of the following chromatic-themed magical effects at will:

  • Color Change: You touch an object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension, changing its color to any shade you desire for up to 1 hour.
  • Iridescent Message: You cause up to 25 words to appear in the air, shaped from shimmering, multicolored light. The message can be seen from up to 60 feet away and lasts for up to 1 minute.
  • Prismatic Glow: You cause a color cascade, lighting up a cube that is up to 10 feet on each side in a swirling pattern of rainbow colors, bright enough to illuminate a small area. The light can be stationary or can move with you, and lasts up to 1 hour.

Key to Glittervault. A Rainbow Sword is said to be a key to a special hidden place called Glittervault. This secret world is believed to have endless rainbows, unicorns, and lots of hidden treasures.



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