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✨🔥🥼 Deep within the heart of the Feywild, where magic blooms untamed and the very air is thick with whispers of ancient legends, a tale is told of the enchantress Seraphel.

Seraphel, the Luminary of Dreams, wandered the dream-woven groves and moonlit glades, her touch awakening the latent magic that thrummed within the realm. It is said that on the longest night of a century, under the cascade of shimmering stars, she sought to capture the essence of the dreamscape itself.

Drawing upon the silver threads of moonlight, the mysteries of the night, and the boundless realm of dreams and nightmares, Seraphel undertook an endeavor no other had dared. Over the course of seven nights, she channeled these forces, weaving them into tangible form. And thus, from the very fabric of the Feywild, the Dreamfire Armors were born.

Each armor shimmered with an iridescence, reflecting the myriad dreams of every creature that had ever dared to dream.

Tales of these legendary armors spread across realms, drawing the attention of heroes, mages, and dreamers alike. Many ventured into the heart of the Feywild, chasing whispers and dreams, hoping to glimpse or claim these legendary creations. Yet, their exact whereabouts remain a mystery, for the Dreamfire Armors are as elusive as the dreams that birthed them. ✨🔥🥼
Dreamfire Armor

Armor (any medium), legendary (requires attunement)

This masterfully crafted mail armor gleams with a captivating glow, its patterns evoking the elusive visions on the cusp of wakefulness. Deep within its torso, dreamfire flames dance in a lucid red ballet, captivating all who dare to look upon them. Hushed tales speak of these armors as the handiwork of an ancient fey enchantress, her artistry and power born from the mysterious realms of sleep and dreams.

The protective fires woven into the armor grant the wearer a +2 bonus to AC.

Heart of the Ember. While wearing this armor, you gain resistance to fire damage.

Dreamfire Retribution. Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack while you're wearing this armor, the attacker takes 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 psychic damage as the dreamfire's flames lash out in defense.

Mindfire. Channeling the enigmatic energy of the dreamscape through your Dreamfire Armor, you focus on a single creature you can see within 60 feet. Flames, woven from the essence of dreams, spring forth to envelop your target. The chosen creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18). On a failed save, it takes 5d6 fire damage and 5d6 psychic damage, succumbing to the enigmatic fire and falling unconscious, ensnared in a horrific nightmare. During its unconsciousness, lasting up to a maximum of 1 minute, the creature is vulnerable to psychic damage, tormented by the haunting dream. On a successful save, the creature takes half the total damage and does not fall unconscious.

If the ensnared creature sustains damage from any source, or if another being takes an action to rouse it, the creature immediately awakens, dispelling the nightmarish effects. You can harness this ability again at dawn.



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