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🍏💧🌀Hailing from the treacherous bogs and dark caverns of famous swamps, this robe is crafted using the mysterious fabric harvested from the silken threads of the elusive Ooze Weaver spider. The spiders are known to feed on oozes, absorbing their properties and weaving them into the very fabric of their web. Over centuries, alchemists and weavers learned to extract these webs, infusing them with additional magic to produce the robes. Each robe, while similar in design, holds its own secrets and quirks, imbibed from the specific oozes the Ooze Weaver spider consumed. It's said that no two robes are truly identical, and each comes with its own subtle twist of magic. 🍏💧🌀


Robe of Oozing Secrets

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

Drenched in a perpetual sheen of glistening green, this robe almost seems alive. Woven from fibers that constantly secrete a translucent slime, its very touch feels as if one is brushing against an ancient and mysterious ooze. The robe perfectly conforms to the wearer, and when worn, seems to meld with the skin, making it difficult to discern where the robe ends and the wearer begins.

Adhesive Defense. When a creature makes a melee attack against you and misses, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 16) or its weapon becomes stuck to the robe. If the creature attacked you with a natural weapon, such as a claw or bite, that limb becomes adhered instead. A creature with its weapon or limb stuck to the robe can't use it to make attacks. The creature can release the weapon or limb from the robe by succeeding on another Strength saving throw (DC 16) as an action.

Mimicry of the Mire. As an action, you can speak the robe's command word to make it take on the appearance and properties of a particular ooze of your choice. For the next hour, oozes treat you as if you were an ooze and don't initiate aggression against you unless you harm them or take actions that are directly threatening. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until next dawn.

Care and Upkeep. Every seven days, the robe requires immersion in a vat of mixed water and fresh green slime. If not bathed, its powers become dormant until the next immersion.



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