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🌒👑🪞Pride Set 🌒👑🪞

This isn't just any collection. It's a reminder of a time when Pride, tested many. Each item tells of moments when pride led to great victories but also to hard falls.

Stories say that kingdoms have risen with pride and have also crumbled because of it. Mighty warriors, filled with confidence, have defended their people, while others, too sure of themselves, lost everything.

This Pride Set is special. Owning it is like holding pieces of history, reminders of the highs and lows of past times. It's about the balance of being proud of who you are without letting it blind you. 

Whispers abound of an emperor whose pride grew so immense that it overshadowed the sun, casting his empire into endless night. 


High Cuirass of the Prideful

Armor (half plate), legendary (requires attunement)

This cuirass is crafted from a gold that shines brighter than the noonday sun, and is imbued with the essence of archaic creatures.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Aura of Indomitable Pride. As a testament to your unyielding pride, when an enemy within 10 feet of you lands a critical hit against you, your aura flares, contesting their success. You can opt to lessen the impact, reducing the critical hit's damage to just 1d10, retaining only one of the damage types from the critical hit (your choice). You regain the ability to activate this at dawn.

Pride's Stand. While wearing this armor your Charisma score becomes 24, if it isn't already higher.

Stand Alone, Stand Tall. If you start your turn with no allies within 5 feet of you and at least two enemies within 5 feet, your pride pushes you to stand tall against the odds. For that turn, you gain a bonus to all damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier. Additionally, any damage you take during this turn is reduced by a number equal to your Charisma modifier.

Gloves of Sun's Arrogance

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

These resplendent golden gloves shimmer with an inner light. Crafted from the tears of sun deities who wept at their own beauty, the gloves possess a sense of pride that's almost tangible. Delicate sun motifs are embroidered on the back of each glove, which seem to dance and shimmer as the sunlight catches them.

Accumulated Radiance. While wearing these gloves, you can choose to forgo your action on each of your turns. As you do so, a miniature sun starts to form and hover above your head. With each turn you forgo your action, the sun absorbs the pain and damage you endure, growing larger and more intense in brightness. After up to 1 minute (or sooner if you decide), you can hurl the sun at a point you choose within 60 feet.

Every creature in a 10-foot square centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 20). On a failed save, a creature takes radiant damage equal to twice the damage you took during the turns you were accumulating radiance, or half as much damage on a successful save. You regain the ability to activate this at dawn.

Random Properties. The Gloves of Sun's Arrogance have the following random properties:

  • 2 minor detrimental properties
  • 3 major beneficial properties

Curse. Upon attuning to these gloves, wearers find their sense of pride swelling uncontrollably. They feel invincible and often overlook dangers, believing themselves to be above such threats. This inflated self-confidence causes the wearer to automatically fail their first saving throw in any combat.

Destruction. The Gloves of Sun's Arrogance can only be destroyed by plunging them into the heart of a dying star, where the very essence of suns come to an end. In this place of cosmic termination, the overwhelming pride and radiance of the gloves are humbled and extinguished.

Greaves of the Sunlit Stride

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

Fashioned from pristine golden metal, these greaves radiate a warmth reminiscent of the midday sun.

Prideful Gait. Every step you take on solid ground while wearing these greaves causes the ground beneath your foot to shine with bright light and the adjacent squares in a 5-foot radius to be bathed in dim light. This luminescence lingers, cutting through darkness, and remains until the start of your next turn.

Path of the Prideful Sun. By uttering the greaves' command word and expending a bonus action, this ability is activated. For every 5 feet you traverse on solid ground, you gain a stack of "Sunlit Pride", accumulating up to a maximum of 100 stacks. As these stacks grow, the footprints and the surrounding 5-foot squares not only emanate light but begin to smolder with the very essence of sunlight.

Upon amassing 100 stacks, the entire path you've walked detonates in a blinding radiant explosion. Every creature within the footprint path and its adjacent squares is compelled to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 17). Failure results in taking 4d10 radiant damage and being afflicted with blindness for 1 minute. A successful save halves the damage and avoids the blinding effect. Those blinded by this explosion can attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the blindness condition on a success. You regain the ability to activate this at dawn.

2-Set Bonus: Sun's Superiority Complex

As an action, you can invoke this ability to rise to twice your natural height for 1 minute. During this time, a radiant aura emanates from you in a 10-foot radius. Any enemy that ends its turn with its shadow touching this radiant aura or is standing within it takes 2d10 radiant damage. You regain the ability to activate this set bonus at dawn.

3-Set Bonus: Prideful Sin

While attuned to all three pieces of the Pride Set, you emanate an aura of irresistible allure and dominance. All creatures within 60 feet of you feel an uncontrollable compulsion to be closer to you, moving up to half their movement speed toward you at the start of their turn unless they succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 20).



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