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🖤💀The Forsaken Set 🖤💀

A moonless night. A hushed silence over the land, with only the distant cries of nocturnal creatures echoing through the void. There, among the shadows, a figure emerges — draped in a robe, the very semblance of a bone cage. Its dark grey undertones speak tales of forgotten rituals and cursed souls.

Walking with a purpose, the silhouette's every step is accompanied by a ghostly aura, cascading from leggings reminiscent of death’s embrace. As they move, broken ribs from the shoulder pads almost seem to whisper dreadful secrets of the past. But what commands attention is the ghastly face, shrouded by a mystical grey cloak, an abyss of magical darkness where eyes should be.

In its grasp, a staff, as grey as the forgotten tombs, crowned by a skull seated chillingly on a cheekbone, gazing into the souls of all who dare lock eyes with it.


Cage of the Forsaken

Wondrous Item (robe), very rare (requires attunement by a cleric or wizard)

Fashioned with an twisted semblance to a bonecage, the middle of this robe gives an unsettling yet protective aura. The undergarments are of a dark grey hue, matching the dominating bones that seem to writhe with latent power.

As an action and by uttering the robe's command word, you conjure protective bone shields around yourself and up to 5 undead minions you control. For each undead minion that receives this bone shield, you and each undead minion gain +1 to your base AC. For instance, if all five undead minions receive the bone shield, you and the undead minions gain a +5 bonus to your base AC. Should any undead minion that is benefiting from this shield fall, the protective force weakens proportionally. For each undead minion that dies while this effect is active, the bonus to AC for all shielded creatures, including yourself, decreases by 1. The bone shields last until dispelled or until midnight, at which point they dissipate. You regain the ability to activate this at midnight.

Treads of the Forsaken

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric or wizard)

These dark grey leggings bear an uncanny resemblance to the appearance of shattered bones.

When an undead minion you control falls to 0 hit points and is within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction and utter the leggings' command word to prevent its destruction. The minion stabilizes, remaining at 1 hit point. You can then choose to sacrifice some of your own life force, transferring 1d8 up to 3d8 of your own hit points to the minion. For each hit point you relinquish, the undead gains double that amount. Once this ability has been invoked, you must wait until midnight before using it again.

Staff of the Forsaken

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a cleric or wizard)

This haunting staff is crafted from ancient gray wood, which has been weathered over the millennia. At its crown rests a grim skull, cradled by a cheekbone, its hollow eye sockets staring vacantly ahead.

As an action and by uttering the staff's command word, you exert your will upon an undead creature within 60 feet of you, even if it's not under your control. The target undead must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, it obeys a single command you dictate for its next action. Once this ability has been invoked, you must wait until midnight before using it again.

3-Set Bonus: Commander of the Risen
You tap into the ancient power resonating within the Forsaken set, gaining unparalleled control over the undead. As an action, you can cast the animate dead spell without expending a spell slot or components. The number of undead you can reanimate with this action is equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until midnight.



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