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💧🏹🌨 The Frostwarden 🌨🏹💧

In the frozen heartlands where the relentless snow blankets everything, a unique protector emerges. Meet the Frostwarden, guardians of the ancient tundras and glacial expanses.

Born from the harmony between ranger spirit and the icy breath of winter, Frostwardens are the embodiment of the cold's tenacity. Historically, these rangers have been the unsung heroes, standing vigilant against threats in the land's most unforgiving conditions.

Stories tell of Frostwardens making pacts with the spirits of the frost, calling upon chilling gales and wintry blasts to guard the wilds. Their connection to the frigid realm is unparalleled, making them masters of the snowy terrains and icy caverns they call home.

As winter's grasp tightens and the nights grow longer, the Frostwardens rise.


In the heart of the coldest realms, where snow and ice dominate the landscape, the Frostwardens stand as guardians. Rangers of this order have harmonized with the chilling elements, mastering their frosty touch to defend the wilds and their companions from threats.

Chill of the Wilds

Starting at 3rd level, your attunement to the frosty environments enables you to move through snowy terrains without impediment. Difficult terrain made of ice or snow doesn't cost you extra movement. Additionally, you gain resistance to cold damage.

Frostbite Ammunition

Also at 3rd level, you've learned to imbue your ammunition with a wintry chill. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can cause the ammunition to burst into cold, dealing an additional 1d6 cold damage.

This damage increases to 1d8 at 7th level, 1d10 at 11th level, and 1d12 at 15th level.

Winter's Guard

At 7th level, you can call upon the icy spirits of the tundra to shield you and your allies. As a reaction, when you or a creature you can see within 10 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can grant it a protective, frosty barrier. The target gains temporary hit points equal to your Ranger level, which last until the start of your next turn.

Icebound Ambush

At 11th level, your mastery of the cold allows you to briefly trap your foes. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can choose to reduce its speed to 0 until the end of its next turn. The target must also make a Constitution saving throw against your Ranger spell save DC or be restrained by icy shackles until the end of its next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You regain expended uses after you finish a long rest.

Avalanche Archer

By 15th level, your projectiles become the embodiment of a winter storm's fury. Once on each of your turns when you make a ranged weapon attack, you can choose to release a volley of icy projectiles. Make a separate attack roll for two additional targets within 10 feet of the original target. On a hit, each target takes damage as if hit by your weapon, plus the cold damage from your Frostbite Ammunition feature.



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