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A Patron of Economic Update asks: "In much of your discussion you imply that the recession began before the coronavirus pandemic. You have talked about the US suffering from two crises, the recession, followed by the pandemic. The mainstream view is that the pandemic and the recession are linked and constitute a single problem. It is often referred to as the coronavirus recession. What is the evidence that the recession began before and/or independent of the pandemic?"

This is Professor Richard Wolff's video response.

AskProfWolff is a  @Democracy At Work  production. We make it a point to provide the show free of ads and we are so grateful to you, our patrons, for supporting our work. Your contributions help keep this content free and accessible to all in this critical time. Thank you, Economic Update patrons! *****************************************************************************

Learn more about Prof Wolff's new book, "The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, " available now at www.democracyatwork.info/books

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