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A patron of Economic Update asks: "I have been trying for many years and many times to get someone noteworthy to discuss the subject of boycotting. Why are there not "any" efforts to organize nationwide citizen boycotts of major corporations and other entities of power? It is like the word boycott has been banned from language. Boycotting, if done right, could be the most powerful tool we have to control the elites. Even more powerful than voting. Why? Because you get them where it all counts, their money. Yes it hurts us, the people, we suffer under boycotts if done seriously. But who thinks we are going to get out of this mess with out pain? What's up? Why has the word boycott been boycotted?"

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Learn more about Prof Wolff's new book, "The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, " available now at www.democracyatwork.info/books

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