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So in hindsight, I probably rushed into that last poll about the outfits Fiona tries on too quickly, because after the results started coming in, I realized that the most popular ones are outfits Fiona would really prefer over the dress i was going to use as her new outfit!

Restricting what Fiona would prefer to another class would work, but I didn't want to do that for all the outfits she tries on (Outfits 1,3,10, possibly 12).

So I decided to make a bunch of skimpy outfits that Fiona would hate in comparison to the Dress! The plan was: Lisa picks Skimpy Elementalist Dress, Fiona picks Clothing for the Wrong Class, Lisa pick slightly better Skimpy Elementalist Dress, then Fiona settles on her new outfit. I've included some test sketches of those skimpy outfits, including a skimpy version of outfit #1.

But the thing is, when I originally came up with the idea that she would want a new outfit, it was because she would want shorts or pants over a dress. And a third of the people would voted in the last poll, voted for Outfit Option 1, an outfit with shorts. 

So maybe Fiona should get a break and get want she would want.

To that end, I propose to routes for how this scene plays out:

Route 1, Dress Now: Fiona gets stuck with the Dress now.

Route 2, Shorts Now, Dress Later: Fiona finds an outfit, suitable for her class, that includes a pair of shorts. Later in the story, when she grows more comfortable with playing as a female character, that's when she picks up and starts wearing that dress.

So what's happening with outfits 10 & 12? Well Sophie's getting #10, and I'm saving #12 for a later story arc when everyone plays a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena type game together. That way I can use both for more than just a single strip.




+2 to firearms! LOL


The dress definitely gives +2 to charisma though :D