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And here's the second Red only strip, we'll be back to the regular story on Thursday!

Also, the comic has been given a resolution upgrade! From now on all strips will be 1600 pixels wide instead of the original 1280.

Edit: added one more bit of dialogue to the final panel




Not sure why she's having trouble looks like she's got it mostly on just needs to fit her breasts in now.


Hmm, maybe I need to reword it. Her original dialogue in my script was her complaining about how her breasts kept on popping it, but it felt too wordy.


I thought this was a transition for the next strip. Maybe something like "Hey, um... Is this one size too small?" :)

Mike S.

Is there any reason why you have an odd filename (BF002_001R_1) for this (and all your posts) instead of the actual name of the strip ? It's not a major thing, but I do have to rename every saved strip.


Short version: get a helpful piece of freeware called "Ant Renamer," it lets you rename multiple files really quickly. Long Version: Clip Studio Ex lets you sequence comic pages together into a story, but the more pages you have in a story, the longer it takes to load. To load the comic faster in Clip Studio, I've broken up the strip into 20 page blocks, BF000, BF001, BF002, etc. Then, when I export each page in the story, it becomes BF002_001, BF002_002 etc. And then to create both a vertical and horizontal version of the strip, I picked up Affinity Publisher, which is like InDesign. I made a template with it to combine all the panels together into each of those two versions of the strip, but the program export files by default to end with _1 or _2. Finally, the 'R' is for the Red, NSFW version of the strip. In hindsight, I could have named the Affinity Publisher file as the strip number, but it was easier for me to keep track of which Clip Studio file I was working with if I kept the names between the two programs the same.