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*Warning: Minor spoilers in second last paragraph*

So ever since I started drawing Dreamband; Fiona, I've been tempted with the idea of publishing it as a weekly free webcomic on a hosted webcomic website.

Because I don't think I want to deal with creating my own website to host it, I would probably publish it on Webtoons, Tapas, both, or somewhere else. Only problem with a host like Webtoons is that its format is vertical comics, while Fiona is a 4 panel horizontal strip. I don't mind the format change, but does anyone else have any other suggestions about where to host it?

Since this bonus was a spin-off of Dreamband: Character Creation, a lot of how the Dreamband hardware works is described in the other Dreamband comic, so one of the reasons I took so long to move forward with this idea is that I knew I would need to expand the beginning of this comic to better explain things. I've now done that, and uploaded those images here (so apparently there's a new limit where I can't have more than 30 images, so I'm going to make a second post with the full vertical test strips). One benefit of this is that this gave me the chance to show Felix's virtual avatar transforming into the Elementalist!

Also, if I want to detach Fiona from "Character Creation", I'm thinking I should change the name. I've been playing around with using the name "Being Fiona" (*spoilers*: Felix eventually needs to pretend to be Fiona in the real world), but if anyone has any other suggestions, that would be awesome as well.

Lastly, while I've redone the first few strips of this comic, this isn't going to be a reboot, I'm going to continue the comic here, possibly in a vertical format, with the free version running a few months behind.




I find there is an issue in the scenario, which was already slightly present in the original strip version, and is amplified in this expanded intro. It is hard to believe that Felix knows details about the gameplay of several classes (downsides of wizard, upsides of elementalist, etc.), yet has failed to notice the classes are gender-locked. Besides here Felix is playing with the Dreamband for the first time, letting Craig lead the way in choosing what game to play. Lost Desert Online seems to be selected on the merit of being one of the few launch titles, in the Character Creator both players seem to be discovering the game... This is all coherent, except when Felix appears to know a lot about the game already. This is not *impossible*, he could have been hyped about the game (but then he would be more excited in the intro, and would know the gender-lock). But maybe this sequence would feel more natural if rather than having read details about specific classes, Felix would simply prefer to play an elementalist, maybe based on what he is seeing in the character creator ("wait, the wizard needs to flip a book, I don't want that") rather than knowing beforehand. Then this would feel more like two friends trying a brand-new game with no preconceived ideas of its content.


Hmm... I think the fix could be as simple as changing "But from what I've read..." to "But from the class descriptions..." There might be other lines that need adjusting, but yeah, Felix going into this game a bit more blind about how it works is probably a better idea.