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The third winner from the August character poll is another appearance of my OCs Emily and Mara. As specifically requested, they've made the mistake of trying on some suspicious A.I. Smart Sandals. They should have known better!  There's no alt version for this one, since the main scene pretty much includes all it needs to include.
There's a couple more pieces from this month's poll underway- time will tell if I can finish either before month's end or if they get rolled over. But they're on the way!

Download the Artwork Here



The sandals are merely adjusting themselves to the wearer. I can't see a problem!

Lucy L

Ooh, this is a fun one! It’s nice to see you using Emily and Mara to explore some fun kinky scenarios and misadventures! However, given how cute and snug Mara looks, I would say this is actually an example of why you should try those on if you get them. Sure they’re a little unpredictable, but I’m also sure they’ve got some sort of failsafe system that kicks in eventually, maybe, hopefully…


Now this is fantastic!


A grin-inducing mix of realism, casualness and a touch of wackiness. Mara's complete cocooning (all those wrappings!), and the gradual, gentle, yet irresistible encumber of Emily's legs, are a delight.


Love seeing more of their misadventures -- some fun things are going on in their world already! XD

Robert Snare

Grace just acquired a pair of these!


Love seeing Emily and Mara! And what sexy sandals! Even without the bondage function, they look hot on the girls' feet. I also love how bundled up they make the wearer, while still leaving their feet exposed!

Second of Many

This is a fun idea! I really love EMily in this. THe sandal design is so perfect, just the sort of design that so naturally builds to this idea, and love how it looks as it starts the process of wrapping around Emily's legs


Thanks! Glad Emily and Mara misadventures are being enjoyed. And it's true, these shoes seem to be working just fine as far as I can tell. :)


Thank you! Very glad to know Emily and Mara's misadventures are being enjoyed.


Thanks! Glad you like it! Emily, on the other hand, is not sure how she feels about this function of the sandals. :)