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The second winner from the August character poll was another pretty popular request - Lois Lane from My Adventures with Superman. As requested, she's been strung up by the wrists and left to dangle for a while. . I haven't seen the show yet, but I know it's already building up a fan base.
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Second of Many

Hanging like that, lucky Lois knows someone who can fly! Haven't had a chance to watch the show yet, but that's a really cute looking Lois. Outfit and everything - love that top on her. Looks so good, especially with some tight ropes and a nice gag


Thanks! I have no idea what the show is like, but researching the character reference for this pin-up, she is a pretty cute design.


This is perfect! Simple, cute damsel in distress. Everything it needed to be, plus the joys of seeing it in your art style. Thanks as always for sharing your work.


She's looking super-cute there, hanging out for a visit from a certain friend. A good, simple bit of fun and it's nice to see her in your care!


Thank you! Sometimes a simple, classic damsel in distress scenario is all that's needed.