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The second winner from the December poll is Kate Bishope/Hawkeye. I decided to go with the suggestion of Second of Many, to make it a parody of old Nancy Drew "damsel in distress" covers and art.
Download the Standard Version Here
Download the Hood Alt Here 



The "practical" hood is a lot of fun here -- got to make sure none of this is easy for her!


The hood gives it that extra level of hardness to know who opens the door.

Second of Many

When I saw that you did a hood alt, was hoping it would be a hood like this. For this scene, there really is no more fitting way to hood her up. Really adds to the scene


Thanks. I knew a hood in this scene had to be more DIY than a fetish-y hood. :)


Great work, again. I like how these can get reworked for covers. Like classic pulp novels.