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  • I prefer the quantity, I wish to see as many comics as possible. 47
  • I prefer the quality, I can wait more to see more slow progression or longer comics. 233
  • 2018-08-30
  • 280 votes
{'title': 'Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'I prefer the quantity, I wish to see as many comics as possible.', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'I prefer the quality, I can wait more to see more slow progression or longer comics.', 'votes': 233}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 30, 7, 9, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 280}


Regarding to the post before, please answer this simply question.
Note: Depending on the result, this does not mean that I'm gonna stop making "quick" or "longer" comics, this is only a warning for me what you prefer more often to see.

But this also means that the developing time will be more, so the weekly comics can be gone...


D Jones

This vote being said you do you. Btw are we going to see more stuff based off of BH's stories?


He is such a great author, I already used many of his concepts in my works. I would like to create more stories based up on his works!

Simon Moody

hope to see some nice comics from you and why not make some PDFs of your old work from deviant art into a collection.


Creating content here took most of my time so far. I plan to do what you suggest here for weeks and I have specific comics for my DA as well, but I always lost in time when reach the "writing" part. :P


I really enjoy your work. Keep it up regardless of how long it takes.


hi, I love your work and I think my original comment may have been misunderstood. Long comics or short comics, I'll love everything you make. I would just like to see more gradual transformations, less instant frame 1 - normal, frame 2 - bimbo. That's why I loved the Lift video. We got to enjoy the transformation as it developed. It's not a criticism, so much as a request


Hi there! First off, my favorite comics of yours (e.g., Screwed Up Lives - Ep 1, Repositioning, The Glue) are among my most favorite comics in general. I think my preferred solution for quick vs detailed comics involves a mix. For instance, if you could do a bigger project 1-2x a month, and 1-3 shorter works per month. Regarding types of shorter projects- I’m fine with short comics or other formats like videos or stories. All bimbo-themed of course. Also, your English is fairly strong, but if you want- I’d be happy to review grammar for any projects.


i love youre work but would really like to see more after the transformation. i feel like they transform and then its over. i want to see sex or something


combine them both. maybe some after transformation pictures en high quality and rest in normal quality ?

Boyce Pond

I love the comics you do short or long. I may prefer long but you do what you want to do I will keep supporting you.

Merv PH

Seems like most prefer the long stories. Screwed Up lives was one of my favorite series, I hope you revisit. My preference is for sex scenes... you like BH's stories, and the Bimbos in BH's stories like having sex. You've done some nice sex scenes (Screwed Up Lives 2/ Porn Bimbo) so I'd be happy to see that.


There were no misunderstanding! :) I know what you've ment with it and with such many votes the way is clear ahead me!


Thank you for the compliment I'm happy to read this! As for the solution, that's something what I have in my mind for a time now… So that a path what probably will be followed in the coming months!


I see your point, I'll try to add more scenes like that in the future comics!


Just have to remember to save more times, so I'll have both characters on my hard drive! :P


Yepp, I see that, the difference between BH's work and mine that I like to change my girls into bimbos against their will :D


I love your content either way, but if longer forms allow you to explore the stages between normal and brain dead then I’m all for it. I’m of the opinion that its the journey, not the destination that makes it fun (especially when most of the time, the destination is pretty similar). Keep up the good work!


I think you guys pretty much told your opinion! Thank you for all the comment and that you voted!


True words… very true! The more time means the more way to show how everything happens!