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(Reflecting to one of the many comments about the way I changed or "how god it was back in the old day…" so don't take it on yourself too hard Mike ;) )

Mike: (and many more)
"He used to do them. A lot of his earlier comics have them. In the newer stuff he seems to really just rush them out and attention to those details are glossed over... :/ I also would like more detailed transformation. Its like rushing to the very end of the porn to get to the orgasm. I mean its great and all but what makes it really good or really bad porn is the build up."

Aaaand here we are again... The same topic. Don't get me wrong, I see and understand your point, but I always wish to everyone to just think a little bit about the other side as well. I can't and I won't comply to every fan of mine. It's impossible… I always tried to share the love and joy what I feel while doing this whole thing, to give a little bit of me to the community. 

But as an Artist if you try to comply to everyone you would just burn out and would just stop the whole thing instead of doing something what you don't love anymore. Thank god I still feel that I love what I'm doing but I know, that with this page I have responsibilities what I need to comply with. I grew with you guys, with the community…

 I made promises what I try to keep and give you weekly comics to read and enjoy. But I saw it - not for the first or the second time now - that there are always ppl who have problem with what I'm doing. I know there are many of you who appreciate the work I make and enjoy but you guys mostly stay in the shadow. I know this because giving positive feedback is not something what ppl are doing in most of the time.

I think I can be grateful that I have many followers who gave me a positive and critic feedback what I could use to build from and I'm really happy for those ppl.

I planned to change a few things on the page and it looks like I can't escape from this so it's gonna be done in the coming weeks - probably. All I want to say is that please try to see a bigger picture and not just move on the line "what he made when I joined and what he is doing now" but to see that what all these time changed in me and in the community. You have to understand that I want to do what I enjoy to give you quality but you have a word in it to form my perspective! 



Being singled out because you didnt like what I had to say is petty af.


I see you didn't understood the thing I was trying to say here. I wasn't aiming at you or any specific person here. You were at least the 10th person who shared his opinion about this specific topic. I needed to answer and tell my side of the story in a single post since it looks like whenever I answer or tell my part under a comment like yours, a few days later the same comment appears again from another person. As I wrote up, don't take this on yourself, it isn't about you, it was just you who's comment made me to finally write this out from myself. If you think this is against you as a person you don't understand the whole thing I'm trying to say here. My goal wasn't to hurt just to tell what I think and I try to represent. If you can't understand or you don't want to understand this or you just don't agree with my part, I won't be mad if you leave my page. Other than that you are welcome here just like everybody else, thank you!


I see your point, and your are à brillant artist ( around the world :]) and i will comment with positive so you look you don't to worry about the " pleurnichard" and your base fan thinks you do à really great job :) big up from belgium :)


Big Thank you! The tone isn't about to just always get "positive" review, but to have a balance! ;)


Gonna be honest, I never really thought you were ever that talented, per say, you just managed to corner a pretty niche part of the kink and style, and are one of the few doing it (That being Short, Against Their Will, Bimbo Transformation 3D works). There's a lot you still need to work on to better yourself as a (Fetish) Artist, and I haven't seen you really making strides to do it, and as Mike pointed out, you seem to be more Sliding in certain areas than growing in your works. Tiny Details like Hair placement and Clothing Clipping, proper Spelling and Grammar (to a degree, not, like, University Course Level) are very important things, and you seem to gloss over them all the time. Seeing as you touch on my niche kink pretty well, I want to see you do better and grow, not go "Mass Produce" mode, and sacrifice on Quality to create Quantity. I believe you can do it though, and I really would like to watch you succeed in your work.


Thank you for your honest comment! These are the ones that means a lot and form me to be better in what I do. What you say is something what I can agree with. Beeing a developing "artist" mean more than just push out content all the time. When I started this whole bimbo thing I wanted to break into this kind of theme to see how well I can do so I set up a base plan how to do it. With that I was happy, enjoyed what I do but as the more of you came, I forget to realize that the plan, needs to be updated or better yet, change completely… That's something what needs to be done, I have many bigger project what I consider as unique. Since I got influenced from the many talented authors out there, I started project what resembles their way of thinking, or I can say: I wanted to show that I share their enthusiasm in bimbo fetish. The way I feel too… Of course these projects are still half way done waiting to be finished… Hopefully now, that I reorganize the whole page, I'll have the time and inspiration to finish them and show them to you guys…