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Once again, I'm afraid that there isn't much progress to report, but I think the thing I was stuck on is taken care of now. I started working on the final segment of the fourth day and rendered the first part of it, but when it was time to start work on the second half, I just couldn't get started. There wasn't anything really wrong with the scene per se, but I wasn't in love with it.

One of the reasons is that whole "pacing" thing I've brought up before. Week 9.5 was just becoming a fuck fest and, while that seems ideal for a porn game, I didn't want the "off weeks" to devolve to just mad humping.

So... I completely rewrote the segment in question and instead of another sex scene, it has become the most serious scene in the entirety of the game so far. It's not long, but it answers the question of why Victoria was locked up so yeah... not the most jovial thing I've ever written.

It does, however, give a much needed break to the boning and I tried to bring the mood back to where it should be with the follow-up segments that serves as the first part of day 5, and then I've modified the scene I already had written that follows it and, of course, we're right back to fucking so no worries there.

Besides that, I just added a new area to the Discord server called "NSFW Superfight" where you can vote on a daily Superfight-style match-up between two members of the NSFW. Well... basically anyone who's ever appeared and had a name has a chance to be a participant. More details can be found in the thread on the Discord.

Not sure when or if I'll be doing the photoshoot contest this month as I feel like I've fallen quite a bit behind where I want to be. If I manage to get my ass in gear, I'll do it, otherwise I'll wait and do a Christmas themed one at the start of next month.

Back in a few days with a better update... I promise!


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