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Well, I pretty much have another scene almost done, but a problem has arisen, because why wouldn't it?

You might have noticed that some of the animations lately have a bit of a studder in the loop point making it not as smooth as they often are. Some of that was due to the animations themselves not syncing up in large group scenes, but it's also because of my video editing program itself.

A while ago I started having issues with the program. Usually to test a loop, I'll edit it and then copy/paste it next to itself to see if there's a visible hiccup between the cuts. Lately, the program itself has started to studder between the two clips, making it impossible to see if the animation is seamless. Now it's down to guesswork and I can't see if there's an issue until I put it into the game and test it. That means rendering the animation, converting it, putting it in the script, then playing it.

And I'd have to do that every single time over and over and over until it's right. I'm not that patient of a man.

So, I tried removing the program and reinstalling it only to realize I no longer have my serial number to unlock the full version. Oops. So now I need to find a different program (the one I was using was very old anyway), and I'm going to see if there's a free option that will do the trick since I don't do anything fancy with my edits.

That's one reason this particular scene is taking so long to finish, another is the fact that I had to do two separate sets of animations for the different paths, and those take quite a while to do.

There's one more scene after this one and then day 4 will be done. It's getting there, I guess. Slowly, but it's getting there.


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