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Okay... so I mentioned that there would be a week 9.5 that covers certain little story beats and would basically be an extended one-off. Well... while that's still true, week 9.5 has grown a bit more than I had expected it to.

I haven't done a ton of actual production on it yet, but I started writing out the second scene (since the first was already done), and then I wrote another scene, and another, and another. I have at least two more in mind, and who knows how many more will come after those (at least one, since I haven't written a final segment yet).

I also mentioned that a lot of week 9.5 would just follow some of the characters around and would take place largely outside the arena. Well... some of those places that I had ideas of are new, meaning I need to find and prepare new maps for them. I also need to come up with some new outfits for people (which is what I'm currently working on), so that takes time as well. As soon as I get all the pre-production stuff done, I'll be able to start banging out the meat and bones of the episode, and hopefully it will go a bit faster since I won't have to do a lot of wrestling poses.

I say not a lot because there will almost certainly still be some. Not actual matches, but there will be a glimpse at some behind the scenes stuff in the arena, including a bit of training. Nothing too intense, though, so it shouldn't be terrible to pose.

I'm interested in what you all will think of this "week between weeks" episode, because even though it's a bit more work than I was initially anticipating, I think it's a nice change of pace and wouldn't mind making something like this a more regular thing. My thought is that I can show more in the life of the "main" characters in episodes like this, then every other episode would be the "show."

I guess I'll need to finish it before I can get your feedback on it, so I'll get back to work. Also, there's still several days left in the latest poll, so make sure you cast your vote if you haven't yet!

I'll be back on Monday with the public release of Week 9, and maybe I'll have some sneak peeks or other random pictures to post before then!


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