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I've been thinking about how to go about this since I've been experimenting with new stuff and trying to make the new releases better than ever, but that has meant that my (almost) monthly release schedule has gone the way of the Dodo and has become closer to at least two months between releases.

So how do I fix that without burning myself out? I don't want to stop doing one-offs because it's a much needed break for me, believe it or not, when I'm stuck or hitting some sort of wall while making the "main" episode. Also Shark Swagger over on the Discord had an idea I think is great about doing "A day in the life of" episodes for one-offs and that's definitely something I want to try doing in the future.

I basically have two ideas in mind, and only one of those changes anything.

Option 1: Change nothing. Just leave it as it is and however long it takes to finish a completed episode is how long it takes. There will still be one-offs to break up the wait, so just stay the course.

Option 2: At the moment, a "normal" episode has three matches and however many other segments it takes to pace them out through the "show." My idea would be to actually increase the amount of matches in a show to four, and then release each episode in two parts. The first part would be everything up to and including the second match, then cutting the episode where the "commercial break" following that second match would be. The "PPV" episodes already have four matches, so the only difference would be that it would be split into two.

The reason I've never done this before is that occasionally I come up with things when I'm writing the second half of an episode that will affect the first half, and I'll go back to rewrite as necessary. So with this kind of release, when "Part 1" of a week is released, it will be subject to change. Kinda like a beta release, but there's a chance that nothing will change. When "Part 2" of a week is released, it will actually be the "full" week, not just the second half. That way if something in part 1 DID change, that change would be rolled into the "full" release. I will try to make it so that you won't have to make a new save or replay the first half of a week when the full version is released, but we're entering uncharted waters here, so I make no promises.

So there's the choices. Change nothing, or release each week in two parts, meaning less time between updates, but half the content in each one. What's it going to be?

This WILL affect how Week 10 will be released!



I don't see why you can't give the second idea a shot, and then if it doesn't work out, just switch back

NSFW Games

I wanted to know if there was an overwhelming school of thought one way or another before I changed things up. Right now there's a one vote difference and I probably will do a test run with Week 10.