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Since I know I'm adding some fetishes that aren't everyone's thing, I decided to let you opt out of them if you so choose. I had eluded to the fact that maybe you would still hear bits of conversation that reference the scenes you opted out of, but I'm not going to do that.

Instead of opting out of scenes before they start, I'm going to front load the choices when you start the game so you can say what you do and don't want to see. I'm also going to spread my wings as a creator a little and actually start using flags so that I can easily alter or remove lines of dialogue depending on you choice, so you won't hear about things that you didn't choose to see.

Unfortunately that means that you'll have to make these choices at the beginning of each and every episode, just like you'll have to enter names every time because of the fact that every episode is a stand alone release (due to size issues).

In the end, it will ensure that those who are really not into certain fetishes don't have to hear about it all.


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