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So, in creating the first actual "episode" I learned a few things along the way, and also saw some things that's I'm going to change between episodes.

The changes will be mostly dealing with how some of the girls look.. this seems to be an ever-evolving process.

The earlier girls looks very "plain" when it comes to their bodies, due to the fact that they don't have any kind of shading on them, so I'm going to remedy that. I'll probably also change some eyes here and there, and Stephanie (or whatever you called her) is going to put on some muscle mass between episodes.

I also discovered a couple of things when it comes to the matches themselves. The main thing being that they are a pain in the ass to pose and render, but also that there's only so much I can do with "normal" matches between girls. The solution to that?

Accelerate the ramping up time!

I had planned to 3 or 4 "normal" shows, then capping those off with a "ppv" episode. I am now going to only do 2 normals, then the ppv.  This will allow me to add in "special" matches sooner rather than later, and I'll be able to mix up the gimmicks to keep the matches fresh. Also, there will certainly be more boobs out, so that's a win there.

I still plan for the "resistance" angle to be going for a while, but anything could happen with that.

I'll probably take the weekend (mostly) off and get started on the next part on Monday, but I have a feeling I'll at least be doing the character overhauls today or tomorrow.


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