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The top 4 will move into the final poll along with all the other winners of the next polls and battle it out in a FINAL POLL before the end of the week! You can VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE as always! If you do not see your suggestion in this poll we have either seen it OR it will be in the following polls!


Good Will Hunting (1997) Groundhog Day (1993) Seven (1995) Apollo 13 (1995) Shindler's List (1993) Galaxy Quest (1999) Goodfellas (1990) Misery (1990) Edward Scissorhands (1990) My cousin vinny (1992) Reservoir dogs (1992) The Big Lebowski (1998)



As depressing as the film is I really hope Schindlers List makes it, I very strongly believe everyone should watch that film at some point in their life.


I hope Volcano wins. I don't think I've seen a disaster movie reaction from you guys outside of Armageddon (I might be wrong) and I think you guys will enjoy Dazed and Confused.


Once again i can only vote once anyone know why?


Can we suggest movies? I’m not sure now it works. Future movies.

Take a Ticket

After this month of movies we will take suggestions again, people were keen on last months suggestions being used again, next month will be all new ones

Michael Harrop

Never gunna win but I have such a love and nostalgia for Goodnight Mister Tom, absolutely beautiful film. John Thaw looked so much like my grandfather in that film it always got me in the feels

Jeff K

It’s clearly not gonna win but I really hope you watch LA Confidential. One of the absolute best movies of the ‘90s and, IMO, should have won Best Picture over Titanic.

Jenny Lee Villanueva

I vote and close the app then vote my 2nd and close the app and so on hehe its been working for me like that


L.A.Confidential is a must watch! Absolutely one of the best movies of the 90’s. So many great classics get passed over in these polls. Maybe we could have some polls based on different genres? Just to narrow the field a little?


After all the heavy movies win, we'll need a comedy poll for our mental health. ;-D

Kim Magee

Oh my god Awakenings that movie oh my god, like the notebook oh my god kills you, but I love it

Kim Magee

I still think we should have a pole movies that will make Rob an Trin sob lol, I like movies they cry in



Michele H.

I voted Matilda; I haven’t seen the others 😬


x2 I love Awakenings! Robin Williams & DeNiro are amazing.


I have to add my vote that you watch LA Confidential.. it's a brilliant movie and so far above so many on this list.