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The Breakfast Club 1985 FULL REACTION


Kim Magee

Love this movie

Anthony Ancona

Just watched it! As you know I graduated from High School in 1989, and I remembered when this movie came out. I and my friends had no inclination to watch it as it was considered a "chic flick" as Molly Ringwald was popular doing those types of films back then. I know she's in 16 Candles, no spoilers. I am glad we watched it tonight as it brought me back to the best decade growing up. It wasn't without its problems for me either as being a drummer in band crossed with being a Duranie, garnered much popularity for me and the ladies. Although, I was in the popular clicks, I didn't pick on others even if my friends were doing it. I just made an excuse to be somewhere else... Truth be told, if I thought it was getting out of hand, I had teachers I could go to and anonymously report things and the teacher would just happen to be walking in the vicinity and catch people in the act of bullying. Nobody was ever the wiser on what I did. I think back now, and my compassion influences my work as a Hospice Nurse Case Manager now. So I guess my one thing was, we had an advanced cooking class at my school and that has carried me through thick and thin. For years, I, not my parents would cook the entire Thanksgiving feast for my parents and family. Living on my own, casaroles were a staple when cooking for 1 person. I would cook 2 or 3 so I could have variety in my meals. Especially when I worked 14 hour shifts at the hospital.


I always thought Alison was the coolest of them, too. Yah, good or bad, your experiences in high school are never forgotten. I enjoyed this movie in my time, and my boys enjoyed it as well (two generations, so far). We've all have seen this movie so many times, we know the dialogue by heart. The thing I loved about watching this movie with my kids is that it taught them to be empathetic with different sorts of people. Like someone famous once said, and Trin said as well "we all have our own stories." Thanks for this. I love this movie, and really enjoyed watching it with you both. I'm glad you liked it too.


Oh, I forgot. My thing was that I could climb. I climbed anything climbable: trees, rooftops, over & under railings on 3-story buildings, from one floor to another....etc. I never fell, and never broke a bone in my body. I was never afraid of heights. Until I had kids. Then, I was terrified...for them. lol

Lee Shafer

That line eat my shorts was said in this movie about 3yrs before the Simpsons aired on tv just a little trivia .

Amanda Hymans

Can't tell any detention stories. I was one that always looked at it as why mess it up for yourself. So yeah never really had detention or ISS or any of that. Was bullied bad though.

Wendy Sparks

Judd Nelson was 24 when filming this... Emilio and Ally Sheedy were 22... and Molly and Anthony Michael Hall were 16. It's not unusual, even today, for 'teenagers' to be portrayed by actors even older. Judd just had an older look. As someone who watched this in 1985, thru to now, it's never bothered me. It's common. (I mean, Joe Keery... playing high school Steve in S1 of Stranger Things was as old as Judd Nelson is here.) And as difficult as I believe JN was on set... no one else could do justice to John Bender but Judd Nelson. (Emilio was originally hired to play Bender, but was switched to Andrew... right call.)


My mom was a teacher & always loved this. She met many Benders, but always knew they had more to them than the "bad boy" act they'd put on. Their anger always came from something deeper going on at home. She also knew several Principals like this one, unfortunately.

Kim Magee

Yes only 2-3 years older than the weird and jock and 8 years older than the princess and nerd

JD Nevesytrof

Surprised nobody else pointed it out but Carl the janitor was not Brian's dad.

Wendy Sparks

I thought maybe they figured out that it was just Bender being mocking... when Brian was picked up by his dad at the end.

Sherylin Johnson

Emilio is the son of Martin Sheen and brother of Charlie Sheen.

Wendy Sparks

This is probably the most quintessential movie representing growing-up in the '80s. The soundtrack, the beginnings of the 'brat pack', the dialogue, the dynamics, Judd Nelson's iconic fist in the air at the end. It spoke to everyone then, and since, because the conversations / revelations through out are so rawly real, provoking, emotional, relatable. It probably wouldn't be made like this today because modern generations are too sensitive about everything. (Triggering! *eye roll*) But it didn't shy away from how teens could treat each other... and how deeply they felt and feared.

Wendy Sparks

p.s. 'brownie hound' = brown nose = butt kisser.

Kim Tilton

I was in High School in the late 80's. Live in Florida. High Schools at least in my county had the right to strike child for discipline. If you got into trouble it was detention or 2 to 3 licks in the principal office. Most kids took the paddle. This practice is no longer happening.

Angelina Sargent

I truly don't get the hype around this movie. I get what they tried to do here but I felt like the friendship conversation came out of nowhere. I didn't see where they went from being acquaintances to friends they are worried about being around on Monday? It gave me whiplash when they had that conversation. I literally would not consider any of these people friends after all the insults they spewed at each other. I don't see the bond that they are trying to show. :/

Rashad Walker

Disagree with rob on the ages of the actors....molly ringwald and Anthony Michael hall were very young when this movie came out and were closer to high school age....emelio was older but not by a lot but old enough that u can tell ...judd nelson was the obvious one who looked late 20s


I was 15 when this came out. It was very similar to my high school experience. 4 grades, 2000 students in the suburbs of Detroit. Everyone stuck to their clique but eventually you find out that as teenagers, we were all dealing with the same shit.



Melissa Williams

Yeah. Molly and Anthony were both 17 when this came out. Ally and Emilio were both around 22 and Judd was about 26 I believe. I graduated in 87 and some of the guys looked like they were over 30 and some of them looked like they were 12.


None of them were too different from students that were at my high school. It was wild how many boys grew up over summers & looked like they should've already have graduated lol


Awful. So much trauma caused by that stuff. My Uncle still gets anxiety over certain things teachers did to him.


What's depressing is how this doesn't stop even when you're adult.

Count Monte-Cristo

I am with you on this one. But, people have different tastes, so. I watched it skipping lots of scenes 😅

Wendy Sparks

Judd was 24 when filming this. With his angular facial bone structure, he just has an older look to him.


Graduated in ‘86. Never got detention, but got a whack with a paddle a couple of times. I’d rather that than weekend work detail. Private Children’s Home. We had a lot of fun though and had each other’s backs. Jeez, I miss it.

Amanda Hymans

People with complete different backgrounds and beliefs can be friends. I had good friend in middle school that was wanting to beat me up. After the truth came about what had happened with her cousin lieing on me. We became good friends.

Angelina Sargent

Haha yes I have many friends with different backgrounds then me. What I'm saying is that I didn't see these guys become friends in this movie. Like they made no connection. It went from complete animosity to them talking about their newfound friendship. Like... when did that friendship grow from the previous conversation? Can you imagine meeting a person who said the rudest shit to you and verbally assaulting you to them talking about how they don't wanna ignore you in public? Lol it's just so weird.

Kenton Kruger

Yeah I agree with you watching it later, but I didn't really question it at the time when this came out. it's like they smoked a couple joints together, went through each others wallets/purses and were suddenly bound together. I have not watched them all, but I've seen on Youtube there was a whole ton of cut scenes. My guess is they lost a whole lot of stuff that would have somehow brought them together but the final cut really did a disservice to the character development. Movie lengths got really trimmed in the 80s, with the years around this coming out being the shortest average in the last 70 or so years.

Kenton Kruger

I know you can't fit every type into one movie, but I always find it interesting how people go on and on with this movie showing somebody from every stereotype group being shown. To me the glaring missing group is the alternative/theatre/artist/garage band types, which sadly for me includes my youth. Not even saying there needs to be someone "just like me", but between the list I put together there it covers a whole wide subsection that would at least have something in common for a lot of us.