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Julia Ashley

I am the absolute same. I gave up when they were taken hostage on the boat. I kept waiting for the show to pick up but I just couldn't get into it either. But when I saw Rob and Trin watching, I decided to give it another try and I'm glad I did. It's starting to pick up (ironically really close to right after I first gave up).


I don't say how often as I would've liked but I love how they incorporated spanish, it brings diversity to this iconic genre. It's so cool to me. Celia scares me, what luis said was true. His mom can survive in any world, with her mindset and philosophy, she is capable of damn near anything. Everytime she speaks her words and tone seduce you, she can manipulate your mind with her sweet, nurturing words. I mean look at what she doing to the group, they are slowly crumbling, piece by piece and she didn't have to do much of anything. She just to persuasive. Ya'll are correct she is a lot more threatening than hersel. She definitely the female hershel, she just crazy unlike hershel here. hershel was just trying to have hope of some miracle vaccine and he just was trying to buy time for his family and friends by locking them up in a barn but little do hershel know, that was never in the cards. The authorities wasn't even thinking about cures or medicine from the start, they just jump straight into bombing and mass destruction. So based on that, cures or vaccine was the last thing on their mind. I also noticed the theme in this episode is the group vulnerable, you got nick second guessing himself, strand losing his boyfriend, Chris is cracking, Daniel is being haunted by his past and losing his mind, and Ofelia mourning her mother. Oh and also alicia traumatize by Chris. I feel so bad for strand, I wasn't sure how I feel about his character but this episode made me like and cheer on his character. I'm so glad he didn't eat the poison cookie, chris is sick. I think Travis and Madison didn't handle the situation the correct way, it's understandable the way they did it. But me personally I would have a family meeting where everyone is including, and discussed the incident. I feel like the situation wouldn't be resolved just by sleeping in the same room as their children, like how that gone create an understanding moving forward? I feel like if the situation was handled properly, chris wouldn't snuck in Madison and alicia room. That's just what I believe personally. But this was a fantastic episode!


This is when I really started to not like Travis. I understand defending your son but at the same time you have to hear your wife out. He's already been confronted with the fact that the guy's death on the boat was suspicious. I liked Nick a lot too until this started to unfold. I guess I just felt like he seemed to get it more than the others so I was confused as to why he would buy into what Cecilia was saying.

Angelina Sargent

So I'm realizing that this is the furthest I've watched of this season. I watched a couple other episodes from the series and I cannot believe I stopped here. I was kind of irritated with the whole chris situation cause it reminded me of Lizzie2.0 which is who I think you're actually thinking of instead of carol... I could be totally off base with my theory but I kind of felt like strand purposely faked what he wanted to do with Tom and Tom's family so he could kill him. Idk why I just don't see strand wanting to go out that way after all he's seen and that he wanted tom to think he believed in what he and his mother believed so he could stay in the room with him to put him out of his misery after he finally died. I just don't know how good of a con man he is after how emotional he was through it all. But he somehow had a gun in the room so either tom had a hidden one or strand snuck it in somehow. But I also believe there's a chance that he started out wanting to do that for tom but couldn't bring himself or his lover to turn into a zombie. I'm very conflicted and wish I didn't have to wait a week to watch it. Lol I'm about to renew some kind of subscription to get to the next episode.

Lores Vroniku

I enjoy TWD, I really do, but I really enioy Fear more (during its first three seasons). The dialogue, the nuanced environment, the characters (who I really think are by far more realistic). The beginning of this episode really proved why I love Fear so much; it is so haunting at times and so symbolic as shown.

Prof Moff

I have to say. I liked Walking Dead when I watched it, it was one my favs but I never really liked Fear. I just could not get into it. BUT, watching you guys react to it has been enjoyable and I have a much better view of Fear now. Thanks. I may have to try this on Lost which was the same thing. I know I should have liked it, but didn't. (I am not going to try it Better Call Saul though LOL.


Man IDK Better Call Saul is far and way the highest caliber thing they've watched on the channel you really should try it.


The third season of fear is the best thing out of the twd universe


Its funny this show was shit on for its first 2 seasons but when 3 came along against s7 of twd, everyone started to love it.

Lores Vroniku

I always enjoyed Fear, jiffy1077. I think Fear has aged rather wonderfully.