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Ok so, about the second FHB Quickie thing, we have some art being done for it right now aswell as the buttons and other HUD.

Here’s a quick put together of the menu. All of the buttons, the design for this project is consistent throughout all of the application, it was an idea of the artist in charge


Here’s also quick look to the HUD of the main “game”, this one will have a focus on interaction with the potions thingies that will change some details of the animation, again this was an idea from our artist. The picture on the background is a wip of one of the scenes. We are currently working on another that is done but I would rather show you the animated result when it’s done, so, a sketch will do atm.

this is it for this, we are currently working on this project, so more updates on this soon, hopefully.



Mavs 1

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i cant wait