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 Well this a little weird. I was about to post the updates last week until I got my internet cut off. The reason, I have ignored the phone bills for a while trying to save money…
See, a while ago I had some problems with my main paypal account that I use to cash out, I got it sort of fixed a while ago, basically I had to make a new one and I called it a day then, but then they locked my new account, again, started asking for my address info, again, provided it, again, but they wouldn’t accept the papers that I provided as confirmation for my current address (papers from the hospital that I got when I was released). And it’s been like that for the past almost 3 months.
luckily I had some money saved to survive, which got chipped away by some medical expenses and other life necessities, As well as the payments to my crew, but I’m almost out of juice, and I’ve stopped working with some of my teammates by the time being until I get this sorted out, which might not happen in a while since I haven’t got a word from paypal since then, I keep messaging them almost daily… but, why not just create a new PayPal account? I though about that for a while, but I don’t want my bank account to be shutdown as well because of “suspicious activity”… the least thing I want is to be involved in a investigation for money laundering…
So for almost a month and a half I’ve been working with what my team left me, doing some animations and gluing all the materials together, and this is what I will be showing to you in the following posts, sorry about the lack of communication… again. It’s hard for me to even open the patreon tab sometimes knowing that our development is lackluster, it shames me into not wanting to post anything even though development is being done and worked on… it’s just that im not the correct person to do this kind of stuff you know, I work best when it comes to design and animation… but as I said, development is being done and I feel obligated to share it with you, even if it’s been a long time. As I said a while ago, this is my life now and we aren’t stopping making games or sexy art any time!

so, now, the updates! (im going to mirror them for public release with their respective censure, patrons will get it first.) 



Sorry to hear about the situation. Thank you for updating us on the situation, it's good to hear that progress is still continuing. I hope PayPal opens your account again soon, it's strange that they would take so long to respond. 3 months is a very long time!


i end up creating a new account, again, let's just hope i don't get screwed over... i get nervous very easily.