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Thanks so much for supporting me!
Allow me to guide you, especially for new comers! At the very top there's 3 Tags to choose from. One for IllustrationsGIFs, and Videos. Much easier to scroll through specific content you are looking for~

As of right now, Patreon doesn't have its own video player. Under the description of every post labeled "(Month/Year)- Animation". There is a file attached to download. Some old works will have no sound. There will be info in the description and download if they have them or not

Please feel free in "Poll Posts" or in "Community" to lay down some character suggestions. 

Please access the Discord to be apart of the animation process ie. discussing ideas and concepts. or Patrons Community page
Added: 2024-01

Means a lot that you think my art is worth it *wink*
This art is for you!
Full Content won't be shared anywhere else!

Added: 2023-02