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Yes, indeed...we get the official reveal of who the 86 are and what the San Magnolia Republic is all about. To describe what the Republic had done and continues to do as disgusting, would be putting far too mildly. And considering that context, when you commented that our Spearhead squad didn't look too happy when Lena was speaking with them, you can probably imagine why they didn't really seem that enthused. We also get some background on the mysterious enemy - the Legion. Autonomous machines that the Republic says destroyed the very empire that created them. And that they have only about two years of operational life left. So really, this episode serves as a really good foundation for the story and answers a couple of questions that may have come up from episode one. I like your observation about Lena's chain/pendant during her conversation with Annette about how she and Undertaker are connecting. Sawano is definitely behind the OST of 86. Can't wait for you to watch the next one!


Lena’s idealistic nature is the embodiment of the old Republic of San Magnolia. Her moral principles are aligned with their flag’s 5 color stripes representing; Freedom, Equality, brotherhood, justice & nobility. A stark contradiction to the current state of their country where indoctrination has now taken root.