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Another fun anime, a comedy. Might have an occasional "Referee!" followed by a laugh.


Glad you watched this one, I've considered suggesting watching this series a few times, and yes the songs were done by the VA's of the show. This show has a nice balance cuteness, comedy and serious topics. Things like relationships from purely platonic to romantic, and how different types of people can change and improve your own life or discussions about societal conformity and acceptance. It even has a few action scenes that puts your battle shounens to shame. But I will also warn that the author is unashamed about his love for breasts and it shows. It's animated by the wonderful Kyoto Animation, same studio as Violet Evergarden. All in all it's a wholesome good time, and I would seriously put it on your watch list.

Keith Merrington

It's not a school anime, although some of the characters are school age kids. It's mainly about Miss Kobayashi and her maid/dragon - and a bunch of side characters that come along for the ride. It's mainly a comedy and quite light hearted. It will definitely leave you with a grin after every episode.


White haired dragon girl has Anya Forger vibes if i remember correctly, the most fuzzy feelings generating character