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I ran this as a Tier Exclusive previously, but I've since changed to the single price tier (though some of you are NOT adhering to - naughty naughty!) so now I'm going to offer this as a first come, first served opportunity.

I'll offer it here first before I bring it over to Tumblr, so if it's of interest, I'll need you to MESSAGE ME THROUGH PATREON with the following info:

Name of the Recipient

Celebrated Holiday

Which Rogue/Hero

As I say with all commission pieces, don't ask and then immediately pay. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and then you'd be out fifteen bucks and have nothing to show for it. I'll send the voice file and an invoice when it's all done and acceptable.

UPDATE: I’ve filled 12 out of 10 slots, so I’ll open things up again once I’ve knocked these bad boys out!
