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Well, this isn’t quite what I thought the Roaring 20’s would be like, but though the terror that was this year, I do have some positives that I am grateful for.

The lockdowns were/are… well, a pain in the ass – there is no denying that, but it gave me a wonderful chance to play with you lovelies online at all hours of the day. It took me back to the days of school when you would go home and FINALLY have some time to play with your friends. In a world with so many different schedules and time zones, it will be practically impossible to get groups like that together again, so I’m going to fondly remember the Quiplashes, the Joke Boats, the Split the Rooms, all of it.

(Obviously they’ll still be happening – you’re not THAT safe from me! We just had so many folks who had never had a chance to play before – it was amazing!)

It is the one downside of knowing so many awesome people from so many places on earth – we are a scheduling nightmare, but while most of us had to isolate, we were closer than ever before online. It’s a memory that I’ll certainly treasure from this year.

It was also a chance to meet new people, which is never a bad thing. What better way to remember when you started talking to each other than by recalling the JOYS OF 2020?

There were, of course, negatives – there was a lot of fear, apprehension, depression, and a lot of other long words that end in “ion”, but we all ranted and raved together, and while I was nowhere near as creative as I wanted to be, I’m not going to knock myself down as a result – this was not the time to take a break from reality, especially when it could change in an instant.

This year was hard – hard on the soul, the mind, the heart, the body.

But we’re here at the end of it.

And while going from 2020 to 2021 doesn’t magically fix everything, it gives us a refreshing hope that we can either have a better year to come, or at least go for Round Two with a better idea of what we’re up against.

I wish you all a very happy 2021, with many more crazy antics, general hilarity, and various stabbings in the face (in-game only, please)!

Codot xx


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