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CLASSIFIED 015: Surveillance

(Arkham Alarm Activates)

BOLTON: Whoa whoa whoa! What the fuck is this?

GUARD: Transfer from Blackgate. Five inmates.

BOLTON: Ah shit. That’s tonight? Fuck it, alright, bring ‘em in.

(Shuffling of chained inmates)

BOLTON: Why is there only four?

GUARD: One had a seizure on the ride over. He got dropped at Gotham Memorial.

BOLTON: Fine, fuck it. Give me that. Well, well, well! Looks like Blackgate flushed even more turds since I left! Answer as I call your name: Lawton, Floyd.


BOLTON: Wilson, Slade. Welcome back to the looney bin, blinky.

WILSON: Eat shit.

BOLTON: Aww, you’re breakin’ my heart. Harkness, George.

(HARKNESS whistles)

BOLTON: I said answer as I call your name. NOT fuckin’ whistle.

HARKNESS: Sorry mate, jaw’s a bit tired.

BOLTON: Oh? And why’s that?

HARKNESS: Goin’ down on your mum. Some say it’s a two-man job, but -


HARKNESS: Fuckin’ Hell!

BOLTON: Oh, you’re going to fit right in.

BANE: This is ridiculous, I should not be here!

BOLTON: You must be… What’s this? No first name?

GUARD: He won’t say what it is.

BOLTON: Well Mr. Banos… Why shouldn’t you be here?

BANE: This is a place for lunatics. I am NOT a lunatic!

BOLTON: Banos… Hey Hernandez - Isn’t banos Mexican for “shitter”?

(BANE steps forward, growls)

BOLTON: Whoa now… you look pretty fuckin’ loco to me… (quieter) …you fuckin’ 


(BANE disables the two guards beside him and stands face-to-face with Bolton)

BANE: I will KILL YOU where you stand.

BOLTON: Try it.

(BANE is taken slightly aback)


(BANE does nothing)

BOLTON: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Get ‘em outta here! We’ll make room for Zsa Zsa, or whatever the fuck his name is when he stops shakin’. I said MOVE!



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