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(club noise)

SALVATORE: So then I says, “if he’s so tough, why ain’t he got a head no more, huh?” (laughs)

(female laughter)

SALVATORE: Who’s this clown?

CRANE: You got the wrong Rogue, round boy. 

SALVATORE: Ladies – give us the room, huh?

CRANE: Evenin’ ladies.

SALVATORE: You must be Jonathan Crane.

CRANE: I see I was expected.

SALVATORE: Might have been. We might have been told you were here – for this. 

CRANE: And I don’t suppose you know who told you I was coming?

SALVATORE: I ain’t gettin’ paid enough for that, Strawboy. 

CRANE: Then I’ll take my parcel and be on my way. 

SALVATORE: Ahh, see that’s the thing. Carmine – he’s worried that he might be a target now, too. So he’s wonderin’ if maybe it would be better if this… goes away. And you too, for that matter. Let this whole thing blow over.

CRANE: That would not be wise. 

SALVATORE: Ohh, wouldn’t it now? I mean, does anyone give a shit if that Riddleboy goes away? Way I see it, sooner he’s put in the ground, the sooner we can go about our normal business. (snorts cocaine)

CRANE: You hand me my riddle, or I put you in the ground. 

SALVATORE: You? You think you can scare Salvatore Romano? 

CRANE: Oh, I’m certain of it. You see, I deal in fear, Mr. Romano. Toxins. Gases. A single spray from this would have you crying on the floor like a baby; but earlier today, I had a rather brilliant idea. Solid state fear toxin. I could make fear toxin into pills, tablets, even powder. Powder I could, cut into the cocaine you so tastefully snorted just now. 


CRANE: I imagine you must be feeling it about now. You’ll go a little dizzy, your pulse’ll race, and then – (deep voice) THE FEAR. 

SALVATORE: Jesus Christ!

CRANE: So tell me – do you think I can scare Salvatore Romano?

SALVATORE: Please! No! No, I – (gasps and clutches his chest; expires)

CRANE: Huh. Medical note: combining fear toxin with stimulants may cause myocardial infarction. Or even rupture. This will require further testing. Thank you, Mr. Romano. All the best to Carmine Falcone.



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