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TRS - Casefile #0091

EDWARD: Marcharig asks: What was your greatest disappointment in life?

You see, the wonderful thing about this question is that it sets up its own punchline. I could say, "people who don't use spell check" and get away free and clear, because that's exactly the response people expect from me. Scornful, and sarcastic, with a minimum of actual information given - and probably getting a laugh, too. But that would be unoriginal. Why simply make fun of someone when you can turn their words inside out? Let me take this opportunity, marcharig, to give you a little lesson in the use of words. You see, the word 'greatest' leaves itself open to interpretation. Does it mean, for example, my largest or most crushing disappointment in life? Now that I can't tell you. But since 'greatest' can also mean 'best', I can therefore answer your question with a clear conscience and still avoid saying anything damaging, or of consequence. And in that vein, I would have to say the best disappointment of my life would have to be my parents. Oh sure, they were a bad influence and the Arkham doctors just LOVE to talk about them, but their behaviour also made me the man I am today. Erudite, determined, unrepentant, and successful in my chosen field. If they hadn't so bad at what they did, I might not be so good at what I do now. So they, I would have to say, are the greatest disappointment in my life. See how that goes, marcharig? I've answered your question, but not actually answered your question. Clarity, as I said back at the beginning of this little experiment, IS important. I hope we've all learned something from this. 



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