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TRS - Casefile #0086

EDWARD: Mikodemus asks: I said I would ask you something, so here I go: Do you like to travel? Have you even been to northern Europe? Like Finland?

Ah Finland. Land of moose and 'twenty people in one bathroom' vodka parties. In case you haven't guessed by now, Mikodemus, no. I've never been to Finland. I understand it's known for being chilly and has a worrisome reputation for producing excellent snipers. Frankly, northern Europe tends not to have things I want. I trade in information, and unless Sweden has some form of 'Herring for Plutonium' program going, the information I get from that region holds very little interest to the criminal element in Gotham. I do enjoy travel, when I get the opportunity - but that comes rarely, these days. Being a successful criminal in a city is like driving on the Autobahn: highly exhilarating and rewarding while you keep your attention on it, but if you take your hands off the wheel for even a second, you're likely to have something hilariously violent happen to you. I mainly travel when Gotham is in too much of a mess for me to get any work done. The earthquake, for example, provided an excellent opportunity, and I went on my own little national tour with the girls. The rest of the rogues stayed behind to butt heads over territory, and I got to read about it while enjoying the amenities of a city or two that actually functioned. So yes, you won't see me venturing into the wilderness or travelling to the Great White North: I'm unashamedly a town mouse, even if the local flying rodents do tend to be annoying. 



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