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TRS - Casefile #0085

EDWARD: Chickenhax asks: Do you monitor your fellow villains? Would you know where, um, Two-Face is at the moment, and what he's up to?

If you're asking whether I have cameras on them 24/7 then no, Chickenhax, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. But do I make it my business to stay informed? Of course. Information is power and in certain ways, I'm a very powerful individual. Information travels in mysterious ways. Very few people know that the word 'meme' doesn't in fact refer to a cat with a misspelled caption. The term actually concerns a nugget of information that spreads, replicates, and adapts - much like a gene does. Data isn't locked up in books and files - it's everywhere, and it's always moving if you know where to look for it. You see, in Gotham, safety lies in knowing who, what, when, where, how, and why - and preferably, knowing it all before any of it can get you killed. Jacob Marley once said: "Mankind was my business." Well - mankind's misdeeds are mine. Hm. Too early in the day for alliteration, don't you think? So yes, I do keep an eye and an ear on what other criminals are up to: it's good business, and good sense, too. Mind you, that doesn't mean I'm going to share what I know with the internet. It's also good sense not to annoy the wrong people for no reason.



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